I've been playing my HG and plat games on and off for a long time now. Currently training some mons from HG on my plat cart in stark mountain, I haven't cleared out team galactic from here yet so I'm going around with buck grinding out some levels for these mons. The team is:
I have my plat team on my hg cartridge to level them up some more in the near future as well.
and I have plenty of small projects to get done, more pokemons to catch, level up, maybe even breed a few for some egg moves.
HG is my main game as I love the pokemon following feature and I'll be transferring most mons over there eventually.
I'm gonna have a pretty neat selection of mons to adventure with soon enough.
>>34743427Raichu is fun! Hope you're having a good adventure friendo.
>>34743493Nice team Nikki, I like all of them a lot. Hope you're having a comfy time. I should make a trainer card as well sometime, those are neat.