>>56230804Apollo's team:
Psyduck L30 (Gold Berry): Iron Tail, Bubblebeam, Cross Chop, Psychic
Exeggcute L31 (Miracleberry): Seed Bomb, Moonlight, Hypnosis, Dream Eater
Houndoom L32 (King's Rock): Headbutt, Counter, Feint Attack, Heat Wave
Ursaring L33 (Leftovers): Shadow Claw, Play Rough, Roar, Headbutt
Item stock: Hyper Potion x1, Full Heal x1"Losing to you doesn't change anything... Trespassing into Giovanni's office can't possibly go unpunished! As soon as we're able to find him... ...! That is, as soon as he returns from his training... You'll experience a world of pain! ...... No, I can't let this affect me. I have to inform the others..."
The Murkrow in Giovanni's office gives us the final password. Time to take Team Rocket off the air.