"Swiiiiiiiiiiii, Swinub, swi!"
Alice seems back to her normal self, and it looks like it's all thanks to the new friend she's made. A Swinub. For what it's worth, you have no idea what the hell Trevor was so worried about, the supposed rapist he described doesn't look ANYTHING like the adorable little bundle of joy playing a game of Fladumple with your daughteru and her smogonchick right now.
You should be thanking this Swinub, actually, if it wasn't for him it might have taken a bit longer to get Alice to fully revert back to her adorable loli-self instead of the one that consistently calls you a poophead.
"Huh..." taking good note of the first-hand account and Trevor's story, you compare the two Swinubs and then turn back to your gingy shota acquaintance.
"I dunno Trevor, this might not be the same Swinub, I mean, JUST LOOK AT HIM, he wouldn't hurt a fly!"
"Swi, swiiiii!~"
Trevor hugs himself to prevent any surprise attacks, "W-Wha!? No way! Th-That cretin is a menace to society and must be put down immediately!"
Serena frowns, shaking her head in disapproval, "That's a rather bold statement to say out loud, and a harsh one at that. I for one side with Calem for once, you must have imagined your sexual encounter, or you're attempting to get a rouse out of us."
Trevor can't believe what he's hearing.
Serena looks at him with a stare that flat-out says jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, "Did you? Or did you simply imagine that you were raped?"
>Trevor..A) considers that possibility.
B) stays adamant in his beliefs.