>>23371317Holy fuckin' shit you guys. So I decide to grind everyone up to around 40 before taking on the Fairy gym. I'm still a little bummed I don't have a feasible sixth member. Then guess what I find in a horde?
So now I'm debating whether or not to use it, and whether to break my rule of only using 450 BST Pokémon or under to use Drapion because it's shiny. Regardless, I start to train it up to my team's level, when not even an hour later...
This is totally ridiculous. So I don't even have room on my team for both shinies, so until I decide what to do about Drapion, I can at least use Haunter since it meets this run's criteria. If anyone dies, though, I'm totally replacing them with Skorupi/Drapion.
The Haunter is Timid, too.