>>48233194they get a pass for being cute canon lovers.
but zinnia is way worse and is in the same game so you totally forget about these two idiots. flooding/searing a region is small potatoes compared to a meteor that is big enough to literally destroy the world, and she accelerated either Aqua’s or Magma’s plan just because she wanted to see Rayquaza.
On top of this she runs around stealing Key Stones despite fug not giving a shit, and the lore she literally is supposed to be keeping says that key stones have nothing to do with megafug.
Rose is just the result of incompetent writing, Eternatus is supposed to be a representation of fossil fuels, there’s a lot of environmentalism in the dex entries, like Corsola and Lapras and whatever. He’s supposed to be running clean energy sources across the region but all of the energy comes from that big egg, and then the metaphor falls apart. It’s like saying “in order to get more petroleum we have to revive all the dinosaurs and then kill them”, just a stupid way for your story to go. And literally the way to fix it is to change the crisis from being 100 years in the future to 10 minutes, where the champion match literally cannot occur because there isn’t energy. Show Leon trying to gmax the retard lizard and failing, it’s a more compelling story beat.