>>37431519I have sort of a complicated history with Sceptile. When gen 3 was first being revealed, I thought Treecko looked ridiculous. When I went to pick the game up, I browsed through a strategy guide real quick, and caught a look at Grovyle, who I thought looked amazing. When it came time for my Grovyle to evolve into Sceptile, I was super excited... but the actual evolution initially disappointed me a ton, because (if you've never played RSE) his OG sprite looked fucking retarded. Still, I was invested, so I stuck it out, and he clobbered the rest of the game for me. Then, as the only starter that could learn False Swipe, he helped immensely with completing my Hoenn Pokedex, and by the time that was done his amazing cry, great ingame usability and delightfully smug official art had won me over. To this day my original Sceptile remains my oldest transferable Pokemon, and resides comfortably as head honcho of my ORAS secret base.
It's been a tough go for his species, as Sceptile's usability drops all the time and he got royally screwed by the Phys/Spec split, but he's still my #1 and every gen sees me train a new Sceptile to keep up with the pack as best as I can. And failing that I can always slap some shit with him in Pokken.