>>41829423>You can't see the brand loyalty in this thread?I mostly see "this looks like shit," "these designs suck," and "they're not even trying to come up with their own ideas."
>You can't see how your "aesthetic displeasure" would be influenced by the norm?My "aesthetic displeasure" is influenced by inherently not liking things that look like someone dumped buckets of paint on animals, or wanting more monstrous creatures than what looks like someone's furry OC (e.g. the right Electric and Psychic creatures, the left Earth creature). Monster design is one of the most important facets of a monster collecting game; it's completely open to scrutiny, and your product is not in any way exempt from criticism. The monster design is in fact one of my chief complaints with TemTem.
>And that bullshit apologist "annual schedule" crap is a trite summary of exactly what I'm talking about.>ApologistGameFreak knows they can get away with damn near anything because it will sell regardless. Was it not clear that I disapprove of this? Should I have been more openly hostile?
>Be better VP.You really don't do yourself any favors saying things like that.