It took me nearly 20 minutes to catch a single Slowpoke in this place, then when I catch my first the game crashes for some reason, welp, singles names for this pink salamander hippo.
>>54698227I don't think Insurgence is that bad honestly, despite my myriad of issues with it, it's just rather bland and boring, story is pretty dull most of the time, I hate the autistic shit involving the timeless and a few other things, but overall the game is fairly okay.
>Why do you hate Xenoverse?The fakemon designs are shit, the game lacks several quality of life features, forces you to use your starter, the game has softlock issues, doesn't allow you to fix it's issues via debug, questionable design in several areas, among several other things.
>>54698254It's bland and has issues but I don't think it was bad.