>>38681911>Just because you like your waifus doesnt make their game goodI choose my games based on the quality of the Pokemon they add. X&Y has by far the best ratio of good to bad Pokemon in the series.
Gen 7 less so, but at least it's a high point in terms of difficulty as far as Pokemon games are concerned.
The waifu's are just a bonus.
>>38681952>For starters except for one stat every iv is set at 15 so it's not across the board. In BW2 yes, not in USUM. Every single IV is 31.
>Two, the nature is almost always serious meaning there's absolutely no buffs. Again, in BW2 that is the case, not in USUM.
>also status moves aren't "filler" by any means. Imagine actually defending moves like Leer, Lick, Fury Swipes and Detect at that stage of the game.
Every move Hau's Pokemon has is effective and useful. Literally every single one, non are filler.
>Four, everyone who lost to Hau lost becauseAnd nobody lost to Hugh because of anything lmao.
People lost less to Hau in that specific fight in USUM because they prepared before hand and specifically picked up something like a Zorark like shitters.
>>38681983If anything the right side is normie shit. It's easily the lesser of two evils.