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Progress: Was a little bothered that a Slowpoke beat up both my Hoothoot and Gastly, but felt better after picking up my Rattata's successor, Fandaniehl the Raticate.
Raticate, Togetic, and Pidgeotto cleaned house and handled Morty easily enough (though I did kick myself for not getting Awakenings).
Climbing the Lighthouse, my boss-as-fuck Nidorino got sniped by Pursuit--my 'fuck!' distracted my audience from their watching of Hunter x Hunter to express mild disappoint for losing to a Bird Keeper lol
Fished up Magikarp (and then fed rare candy to make her a Gyarados), and then snagged a Tentacool--and yes, one of my watchers INSISTED I name the female Tentacool that name lol