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I think it would be neat to try doing something fun on this board, and that's making Pokemon teams for OCs we have made! The rules are simple: The Pokemon would (usually) fit the character in some way. Legendaries, Mythicals, and Ultra Beasts are fair game.
You can give a short summary of your character before showcasing their team if you wish or you can go longer if you feel that it can't be shortened. (Bonus points if you can give a brief summary of how they came across each Pokemon)
It's ok to have more than 6 Pokemon on the team, whether they can be called upon or they have them for backup. I'll start with my character, named Semyael Muzchi.
The short end of it is that he grew up with nobody with his best friend and the two formed a mafia gang whom he treated everybody like family. One day, however, his entire hideout was destroyed, leaving only himself and his best friend alive; the latter of which was hanging on by a thread. Semyael, in an act of desperation, used his powers to save him, resulting in his best friend becoming his shadow. The two agreed that they would track down the traitor amongst their former group and let them know how they felt.
His Pokemon team would be based on Loyalty, Honor, and Family.
Some Pokemon he would also have are the following:
- Due to using smoke and gas-related attacks, and Semyael's a smoker
- Is very loyal and recognizes someone's background
- Based off of Semyael having his best friend become one with his shadow
- A mother who protects her young like Nidoqueen
- Seeing as they're orphans, Semyael would take one in as a father figure.
- Semyael would most likely see the potential when they were just a Wimpod, and helped them gain the confidence they needed to become strong.
I'll continue with showcasing how Semyael would've realistically obtained the Pokemon for his main team at a later point.