>>48977852Your first mistake was painstakingly copying this and fucking around in MSPaint instead of something like FireAlpaca or PyxelEdit.
I do agree that the map needs a lot of shit done to make it look nice, either by shrinking it or by rearranging everything.
>The lab/radio station combo is weird as well.It is but considering the shit I've seen with real life researchers weird choices are a dime a dozen as long as you can bullshit the reasoning behind it.
The Professor would have all kinds of bullshit for his reasons.
Not that he'd be giving out Pokedexes even if the player character is a research aide. No, that would be handled more like a Trainer ID and be given in the second town upon official registry.
>>48978104I copied it into a second map and tweaked it a bit. This is more compact and easier to stomach, but still feels off.
The long beach I sketched just... doesn't work for a starting area. So much wasted space. Unless I slap on a research testing area, but the Professor I'm imagining doesn't really focus on combat. Mostly the effects of sound on Pokemon (ie: broadcasting March or Lullaby), but the Professor also uses the signal to mess with PC Transfer systems.
..I have this whole thing imagined but fuck if I know how to handle the maps.