>>36495301One point more about pinsir though
(And yes this is the same guy)
It's dex entries state its horns are designed to tear into its foe, but correct me if I'm wrong, pinsir is a stag beetle which is, for the most part, non-predatorial. The very fact that a pokemon would evolve like this naturally proves that pokemon (At least some pokemon) are designed to fight and kill for no real reason. Pinsir goes around actively searching for fights, to deny it its right to do so goes against the very fibre of its being. By refusing its genetic urges from it, you are by essence torturing it from being the bug it wants to be! Face it, in this world (the poke-world), the ones who get to live are the ones who tear into their foes, the ones who people like are the guys who throw their competitors to the ground, and the fluffy cute ones just exist for practice. Pacifism forced on any creature, regardless of appearance, is a cruel removal of a pokemons basic genetic right. thats how people form bonds with their pokemon, because they both connect on a primal combative level, and thats why nine time out of ten, pinsir will tear into its foe regardless of their thoughts on kindness.
Pic related, its what pokemons true nature is