>>57445715>open fridge door>see this>quietly close fridge door in understanding>>57445771There wasn't any onigiri in my fridge...
>>57446129Not into Pokemon. Tried really hard to consider it a few times to question if I'm a furry or something, and I think the one mon I could ever consider husbando material is Ceruledge. Darkrai is an honorable mention, but I still couldn't imagine actually banging either of them because I am not, in fact, a furry. Not even the polite and gentle wolfman Von Lycoan could convert me, and that likely means nothing can.
>>57446288Probably short husbando like Arven, I personally consider him in the 17-20 age range. It can be hard to tell with Japanese people, let alone anime characters. Besides, I'd say the age range of husbandos that can be posted here without issue is somewhere between 16 and uh... 3,000+ now that we have AZ posters lmao.