Quoted By:
>going through victory road
>quick ball
>name him Big Nugget
>shit nature, 31 health IV
>into the PC with you
>going into friend safaris for WT fodder
>quick ball
>/vp/ says name it Scarfy
>I don't really like greninja, put in PC
>new game, going through that cave before mega-evo city
>no way to reliably damage it without killing it, too early for quick balls
>chuck all pokeballs
>chuck most premier balls
>next to last premier ball catches it
>modest nature, ??? IVs
>you'll make a nice main game bro, bro
>dicking around on GTS
>they want articuno
>worth it
>has already been traded
>day ruined, console self by going out for chinese
Chingling/Chimecho in Pokemon Amie is really fuckin cute. I love the sound in makes.
I wish shinies weren't a thing and pokemon just had multiple color palates with some of them just plain ol' being really rare or whatever.