>>49036235The thing is everyone else still has their natural bulk even if they get stunned.
If Lucario gets stunned he still has the same defenses. Hell, he might even get his free shield if he's at low enough health.
And lots of other mons either resist CC or have ways to avoid or get around it.
Tsareena has to be in melee range constantly attacking in order for her shields and health regeneration to activate.
If she gets stunned, she's not attacking.
If she's not attacking, she's not building up stacks.
If she's not building up stacks, her passive doesn't activate.
If her passive doesn't activate, she's not getting her shields and heals.
No shields and heals, she's a sitting fruit that will probably die.
Tsareena's whole game plan comes to a screeching halt if a Wiggly so much a parks its fat ass in front of Tsareena and causes her to eat shit because Cute Charm interrupted her attacks.
Hell, a Stomp Tsareena can beat a Triple-Axel Tsareena simply because of all the stuns causing Axel Tsareena to lose her stacks.
CC fucks Tsareena harder than any mon in the roster right now.
That's just how it is.