Quoted By:
>Messing around in secret base, checking out who my base trainers are
>Oh shit that's right this one is Masuda's trainer he put out to the public
>I know he has 3 costume Pikachus, it'd be fun to triple battle his 3 with my 3 I made as a 3 cosplay Pikachu team and see how that goes
>Gather team and challenge him
>"Go Pikachu, Pikachu,Pikachu!" "Go Pikachu, Pikachu,Pikachu!"
>Game drops to fucking less than 5 FPS with 3 cosplay Pikachus on the field on my New 3DS XL
Holy shit, I've seen slight drops before and I've always been on the side of that being acceptable for the models, but are cosplay Pikachu really this intensive?