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This is my final team. Unfortunately I lost my nuzlocke.
Part 18.
First battle against Aaron. Probopass uses Rock Slide to eliminate both Yanmega and Vespiquen in one go, Magmortar uses Flamethrowet to eliminate both Heracross and Scizor in one go and finally Garchomp uses Earthquake to eliminate Drapion. Aaron defeated.
Second battle against Bertha. Roserade uses Petal Dance to eliminate the Whiscash, then i switch to Gastrodon to use Ice Beam on Gliscor, her Hippowdon sets up Sandstorm before Rosesade takes out with Grass Knot so I heal Roserade with Giga Drain while taking out Golem and finish Rhyperior off with another Grass Knot, all pokemon went down in one hit. Bertha defeated.