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So how are you running your new king of ou?
Salamence @ salamencite
ADAMANT nature 252/atk 252 speed/4 def
dragon dance
dragon claw
Hits everything but skarmory
Only problem, everyone will be running this set and its hella predictable.
another thing to note, on the turn you mega evolve youre going to be outsped. however, intimidate+high defense ensures a safe switch in on most physical attackers.
It is not as perfect as it seems, it lacks priority much like flygon lacks a mega evolution.
Quick attack or extreme speed wouldve been nice.
overall everything a flygonfag would ever dream, but better. because its Salamence.
special mence is still viable with
dragon pulse/meteor
hyper voice
HP/hydro pump/other filler move
however youre not making use of the blessing that this rhythmic dragon has.
>share salamence sets thread