Pokédoko is the all new weekly Pokémon variety show replacing Pokénchi, starring Abareru-kun, Ryogo Matsumaru, Hikaru Takahashi and Shoko Nakagawa
>COWCOW Finally Make Their First Appearance on Pokèdoko!! / A Pokémon Song Whistling Medley / A Genius Drummer Kid Performs Pokèmon Anime SongsToday's guests: Comedian duo COWCOW, world champion whistler Marina Kato and drummer CHITAA
Stream at:
http://ok.ru/videoembed/4364774153844 Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irCI_fRp1j8 >For the first time on Pokèdoko, we get to have fun at the Pokèsugo Plaza alongside Pokènds! The world's best whistler overwhelms us with the atmosphere from the Arceus video game! And a genius drummer kid performs Pokèmon anime songs!>And we'll have Pokèmogu too! >Summary:>COWCOW, who we all know for their rhythmic performances and trope gags, finally make their first appearance on Pokèdoko! The mood and Pokèmon gags this soft and gentle duo presents are spot on and really funny! We'll also have a Pokémon song whistling medley! Stay tuned!