Started Crystal
after getting fucking wiped by a Spearow in Falkner's gym.
I did a lot of stuff today,beating the first two gyms thanks to Birbtastic (I don't think I'll be keeping him to the end sadly,as I need him for HG/SS and FR/GL earlygame).
Had some really good catches,especially Heracross (I found it while it was sleeping).
I never used one,so I'm really excited to try it.
Now I'll wait until this evening to catch a Gastly and something else,grind up my new companions and go forward.
By the way,I'll do everything I can to catch a Corsola.
>>39221421Great work
or should I say Yeah Dude,I'd only advise you not to blow all the Starters now.
Remember you still have FR/GL
>>39221093I'm going to do that when I get to gen 3,seems like a fun idea
>>39220042Ampharos is great,no bully
>>39219696Now these are cool names,what are you using now?