>>55417516pokemon rejuvenation
a game notable for:
>terrible writing (basically every other cutscene has people forgetting to use their fucking pokemon to solve problems among other cases of contrived stupidity; and random bullshit time travel space magic shit is regularly thrown into an already messy story),>mass plagiarism (if it's somewhat mainstream, at least some part of it has been plagiarized by Jan)>extremely fucked balancing (very few fights are reasonable difficulty, most are either total pushovers or kaizoshit that makes you wonder how it got past the same testers who whined about keta's second fight or the fourth gym's chandelure, or pretty much anything else that got nerf-who am I kidding those were literally the only two fights that were changed to be easier despite a balance survey that was made like a year before v13.5's testing began. all of the actually hard fights (besides 1) were either completely unchanged (besides a minor detail or two that doesn't matter). and going over horribly balanced fields would bloat this post past the character limit)>also as typical for rebornlikes the mon distribution is fucked; no fun allowed>severe character bloat (there is a lot of fucking characters that either appear only a few times, or appear a lot in the main story despite doing jack fucking shit; some useless characters can be removed entirely with almost no impact on the plot), >VERY fucked development priorities (besides completely redoing half the chapters every version, the developer thinks adding an entirely separate story route is a valid use of time and filesize. also each update takes several years now because of this and the developer taking more breaks than fuckin yanderedev)and more. if the game's main plot cliffhanger (raiding the evil team's main base) was resolved by now, then modding the game to basically salvage it and have a competent dev reboot it from scratch could be possible
but that'd require something that won't happen for years