>>34825812I don't know, I mean if GF wants a Pokemon to be good, they WILL make it good, just look at how strong Mega Zard is, or how good A-Raichu is in doubles. GF is retarded but they at least know enough to make a Pokemon decent, even if they usually go overboard (see: Mega Metagross, Mega Salamence)
So it begs the question why Silvally is unbelievably bad despite having so much going for it people expected it to be the next shillmon. It has it's own item set, signature move, is the ace of a story character, is literally based off of Pokemon's equivalent to God, is technically a Legendary and is directly linked to the UBs. It has so much going for it and yet GF shat the bed and made it awful. It can't even breed to get new moves.
Just, what the fuck? I adore Silvally but it's almost impossible to use unless I build my team around it.