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It's that time again, what events are we missing from the XY series? Today's episode was the Ash/Serena argument episode so that leaves:
>Ash crossdressing might have been replaced by the Serena dressed as Ash episode
>Shota acquiring Mega Sceptile
>Blaziken Mask
>Articuno episode
>Farewell episodes
Since it appears that the core TF arc is going to take place in Lumious City I'm starting to believe we may actually have the "Heroes of Kalos" portion of the games take place in the anime. Ash and co. are honored for saving the Kalos Region and are awarded the medal as a reward.
The League/TF/Blaziken Mask and M-Sceptile is likely going to happen back to back since Shota will be in Lumoius for the Kalos League. Steven will probably appear then in the actual anime and give a Mega Stone/Key Stone to Shota for helping defeat TF. Or, if the above is right with the "Heroes of Kalos" thing taking place Shota getting a Key Stone and Mega Stone as a reward for helping stop Team Flare wouldn't seem out of place.
Another new thought for the League, but what if the battle commentator was Alexa?