https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdNXpudo7P8It takes a wild goose chase around town and then some, but you eventually track Noibat down to snowy field at one of the more secluded parts of town, the backend portion, only a few houses are situated here. It turns out Chesnaught's kicks are /very/ powerful.
Maybe they can be even more powerful if he bothered to train more.
"N-Noinoinoinoinoinoinoinoooooooooooi!" trapped in a pile of snow, Noibat flails his legs left and right, desperately trying to get free and away from his absolute worst enemy.
A simple yank frees the fruitbat from his prison. Shivering, he skidaddles up your arm and takes a warm, toasty refuge under your hat. You're about to wheel off when you hear a cry of agony from one of the houses in the distance.
A) Ignore it. Just ignore it. It's not like it's going to lead into the plot or anything.
B) This sounds like a job for Wheels and the Legman!