>>48415124>WattsonMightyena dealt with both magnemite and Voltorb. Now a crit Volt Switch would be a kill on it but I risked it and want for the Snarl for the spa drop. It payed off and Magneton went for the Supersonic, which missed. Then I switched to Sableye that could take special attacks well enough and kill with 3 Night Shade.
>FlannerySableye was the lead and my whole plan was to stall Slugma's Overheat so I could set up with Mightyena. Both Sableye and Vullaby were able to stall the overheat (also no crit helped) and Mightyena easily switched in. After howling six times, I one shot her entire team.
>>48415288>>48416202Brawly is usually really easy but when you dont have an instant counter for him and is weak to his team he can hit you really hard, specially after some bulk ups. That was my whole problem with him without Vullaby. Both Pooch and Nuzleaf would get one shot after one bulk up and had no way to killing even Machop without extremely lucky or dumb AI.
I always felt like Juan was a tougher gym leader than Wallace just because of that Kingdra. gl on the League
>>48419075losing a starter always feels bad but at least you have some decent mons still. Darumaka is beast, Ferrothorn an absolute wall and Leavanny can be really great with Swords Dance, specially on the league.
>>48419150i know that trainer, i usually try to avoid her. Big F anon, but doesnt give up yet. My first nuzlocke was also terrible but when I finally beat it felt really good.