Quoted By:
>Question one: Do you consider yourself to be fat?
I'm moderately overweight, but it's not very noticeable.
>Question two. Would you consider yourself to be socially awkward?
I have Social Anxiety Disorder and OCD, so I really don't know.
I'm that guy everybody knows but never talks to. I want to start relationships with people, but I also don't want to lose them so I don't speak up.
>Question three. Why do you browse /vp/?
I've always loved Pokemon, although I didn't enjoy Gen V much. Gen VI has improved the series immensely, though. 4chan has always been a good place to discuss stuff too, so, yeah.
>Question four. How old are you?
>Question five. First game? Favourite Game?\
I've "played" the games since Yellow, but I didn't actually "start" until Emerald. My fav game is either that or Platinum or Soulsilver.
>Question six. Favourite pokemon?
Typhlosion, Sylveon, Rayquaza, Snorlax, and Snorunt. Rate me if ya want.
>Question seven. Favourite type?
Poison, Ground, and Fairy Most of the Pokemon in my Top Ten Favs are these types, even though you don't see any Poison types or Grounds in the list above. I love Muk and Dugtrio and Nidoking but I rarely use them, and my type five Pokemon have types that are all over the place.
I'm a boy.