>>27495756>How important are IV's in Pokemon GO?0 IV vs. 100 IV is a difference of about 10%
>Should I spend all my Stardust on a 90% IV's Eevee which is currently at 45 CP?No
>How do I get some high CP, 90% IV's Pokemon?Get Pokesniper2 and join the discord, or hatch eggs
>How do I locate Pokemon of interest without using Pokevision? (I'm feeling like a retard walking around blind)You don't, thank Niantic
>Does using Great/Ultraballs make any difference, it sound's like it doesn't.It does
>How do I efficiently gain PokeCoins from Gym's that I manage to take down and plant a pokemon in?Cash them every 24hrs
>Why is my team so badly represented?pic related