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Fire Red Limited
>A Rom of Fire Red that has refined and limited aspects of the original game.
>Game only contains data for 170 Pokémon total. The original 151 plus their generation 2 evolution families. None are locked behind post game and the Pokédex is updated to reflect 170 Pokémon.
>Sevii Islands Removed.
>Mt. Silver & Tohjo Falls and the routes to them added, no Johto access. The other side of Tohjo Falls is blocked off.
>Leaf Green’s version exclusive Pokémon are added to the encounter table.
>Breeding Center is on Route 5. A move tutor NPC also has been added there to teach unobtainable Egg Moves, since many Pokémon are removed from this game.
>Day & Night cycle added.
>Defeating the Champion rewards you with an egg of his starter Pokémon.
>Defeating Professor Oak after battling the Champion rewards you with an egg of the Starter that was left behind.
>The Dome or Helix fossil can be found at Tohjo Falls post game, whichever one the player did not originally choose.
>Bill’s Teleporter can be used to evolve Pokémon which require trading to evolve.
>Once you complete the Pokédex, Professor Oak will inform you of a sighting of a rare Pokémon at Vermillion Harbor. Go interact with the truck there and you encounter a Mew which will flee. You’ll notice Mew take off in the direction of Mt. Silver. Go to the top of Mt. Silver to battle and capture Mew.