>>12650623At the end of the day, after all was said and done, Coco was a Buneary, that was that.
However, she had some notable differences that set her apart from all the other Bunearys in the world. First and foremost, her eyes and skin-structure were similar to that of a Gyroid's.
She had holes for eyes. Holes. No cornea. No retina. No eye juices. No eyeball. Just plain black holes chiseled into her hollow body, complete with a hollow mouth-hole to match.
Oddly enough, she never gets the picture that something's wrong, nor seems to care.
Perhaps you're just reading too deep into things, maybe she's named Coco because she looks like a coconut?
"Doyoing! Hello, Mayor Kii! What can I do for you today?"
Alright, don't mess this up.
A) "What's the latest?"
B) Make an off-hand comment about her creepiness by accident.
C) "What happened to the last mayor?"