I hope I'm not too late, will rate what I can.
>>22668763Nice theme, I love the bag 9/10
>>22669961you are funny 8/10
>>22672601Everythinh looks neat and clean why is a ditto on your items? 8/10
>>22672683Thug guy! I like your team 8/10
>>22672870Nice drawings! 9/10
>>22673030Well prepared, nice goals, strong team 9.5/10 would travel with for a while.
>>22673701Nice drawing and 3D art 8/10
>>22673811Strong team would say hi and hang out with if I found you in the wild 9/10
>>22674093Awesome background, pretty cool team would try to befirend 9/10
>>22674866Lovely goal but too many Pokémon! Would travel along with in hopes of catching a ghost Pokémon 8/10
>>22675015A drawbro would tar along and share drawing tips 9/10
>>22675573Nice drawings and over all style, cool team too
I like your outerwear and team 8/10
Will rate more in a while if thread is still around!