Gen 7 really benefited from Its smash bros like pokemon reveals. lt generated a lot of hype with its regional variants, ultra beasts and type:null. I would say the games lived up to the hype they are very linear and full of mini cutscenes which hurts their replayability but when your playing it for the first time it's fine because it actually had a pretty strong story tackling themes that no pokemon game had before.
Really good launch trailer too I really wish they would release the song from it so I could hear it without all the effects's a shame the ultra games didn't really add anything to them or "complete" like emerald and platinum did for gens 3&4. It has extra content and even new pokemon but it tears the story to shreds and and simply replaces tacs on things in the main game. I kinda preferred the x files story for the ultra beasts as opposed to the ultra space portals. It was definitely cool to see where the ultra beast come from but you can really only appreciate it if you played SM and did the post game story that goes into detail about what exactly is happening in these games and what ultra space actually is. Rainbow rocket is a cool boss rush though.
Z moves > Megas > Tera > Wumbo mode