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Assorted pokemon-related opinions thread.
>Froakie2 is bretty gud
>Fenniken2 might be cute/cool if it keeps the witch theme
>oh god Chespin...
>Mega-Ampharos would be cooler if they did more than just give it hair
>Mega-Lucario is gross
>Mega-Blaziken is gross
>Mega-Absol is DeviantArt tier
>Mega-Mawile is god-tier
>Mega-Garchomp is vomit-tier
>All 3 Mega evos of the first gen starters fucking suck, especially Charizard.
>Vivillon is god-tier
>Noivern is Garchomp-tier
>Sylveon has always been pretty alright in my book
>Garbodor has always been pretty alright in my book
>Gengar is the worst fully evolved ghost-type bar Spiritomb
>Volcarona, Darmanitan, and MAYBE Blaziken are the only fully evolved fire types that rise above shit-tier
>Grass type is best type. Period.
>I want to see a Pokemon game that takes place on an alien planet
>Mawile is best steel type
>Mandibuzz is best flying type
>Golurk is best ghost type
>Volcarona is best fire type
>Froslass is best ice type
>Scrafty is best dark type
>Medicham is best fighting type
>Leavanny is best bug type
>Porygon-Z is best normal type
>Galvantula is best electric type
>Sudowoodo is best rock type
>Beheeyem is best psychic type
>Flygon is best dragon type
>Milotic is best water type
>Steelix is best ground type
>Crobat is best poison type
>Lilligant is best grass type
>Gardevoir is best fairy type
>while excellent competitively, water is overrated when it comes to general design of the pokemon of that type
>Porygon line should be Normal/Electric
>Gardevoir line should have been Psychic/Ghost
>Scrafty of all fucking pokemon should learn Sucker Punch
>Terrakion is shit-tier
>Keldeo is ultra drago dildo shit-tier
>Heatran is fucking ugly as balls
>Meloetta is cute and unique and I fail to understand why it's hated so much
>inb4 boogie and icing
>while it has some very clear flaws, Generation 5 is the best so far in the series
>HG/SS pulls Gen 4 into second place
>picture unrelated