>>51399967/vp/ has always been full of fedora tipping contrarians trying too hard to fit in, because they never lived down the 2006-era edgelord circlejerk over characters like Shadow, Dante, Sephiroth and Sasuke
Sure, it was a bit annoying back then, but the people who complained about 'edgy' decided to become the aggressive, raging retards in later years. minds completely poisoned by cringeculture.
Like when Yveltal was revealed back in Gen 6, there was this wave of posters who were so deep in cringeculture that they had to pretend to hate it to 'fit in' like one poster I remember saying "No fuck off with that edgy shit out of my face faggot", which in itself is the most edgelord way to react to it, while the people who weren't afraid to admit to liking the designs were pretty chill
>tl;dr, you niggas need to stop lying to fit in on a korean stamp collecting forum