Previous thread:
>Turtwig says 'sup to Mankey>Mankey starts throwing poo at Turtwig>Turtwig eventually kills Mankey>IT WAS ALL A DREAM>Turtwig rolls over in bed to see Mankey's wife>Time-traveling Wailord comes looking for his penuts and anus>He is trying to eat Turtwig and Mrs. Mankey>Past wailord comes and saves them>Mrs. Mankey is pregnant>Turtwig evolves into Turtferno>Arceus arrives>Mrs. Mankey leaves him>Weepinbell (Turtferno's cousin) phones him asking if he wants to go bowling>He joins Weepinbell's bowling team along with Arceus and a Lampert>The rival team "The Pin Pals" come along>The Pin Plas consist of Snorlax, Slaking, Kecleon and Mow Rotom >Arceus kills Slaking for trying to make a move on it>Lampert evolves and gains a French accent>Wailord forgot his wallet and accidentally crushes weepinbell>The now joined group of Pin Pals and Turtferno's group head to Kalos and gain sunglasses (Also Mrs. Mankey joins)>Arceus remembers it has shit to do and leaves but not before tyrning Turtferno into a gay Cleffa for being an atheist>Kecleon and Mow Rotom disappear for no reason>Mrs Mankey finds this sexy and comes on to Cleffa but is rejected because he is gay>SNORLAX WAS MANKEY THE WHOLE TIME>Makey starts throwing poo everywhere>Mrs. Mankey was actually pregnant with Mankey's children>She gives birth to babies Kecleon and Mow Rotom>Mankey gets mad and starts eating her>Some more weird shit happens involving wailords, fire and diglett-girafarig>TURTWIG WAKES UP AGAIN!But the question still remains /vp/, What happens next?