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Hello /vp/. In this thread I'd like to discuss potential gameplay overhauls that you have thought up. What areas of gameplay do you feel could be improved, and how would you go about doing so?
I'll start:
IV overhaul.
With the way IV's are currently implemented, there are few reasons not to have each stat maxed out. What was originally designed to make every Pokemon inherently unique from Pokemon of the same species, it has since become completely outdated and does not serve its purpose anymore.The negatives of the current IV system are:
>Getting all (or relevant) stats maxed out is time consuming and makes it more difficult for newer players to enter into the competitive scene
>Few options for creativity - there is little reason not to have your stat maxed out (and that is when it's better to have lower speed or attack)
My suggestion would be to streamline it. In pic related, each Pokemon stat is randomly assigned a tier. 3 stars for best quality, 2 stars for average quality, and 1 start for poor quality. As an example, the 3 star stat could be the equivalent of a 30 IV stat, the two star stat could be 20 IV, and 10 for 1 star. I would make this visible on the Pokemon summary screen, and potentially something that could be seen before entering a wild battle (something like DexNav).
>Easy way to see inherent stats
>Allows build creativity
>Main game Pokemon can transition to competitive (with a method of stat alteration that improves on bottle caps)
What gameplay changes would you make?