>>39782131Nice one op. I always thought Wally was a tragic character when I first played gen 3. He's a sickly boy that can't fend for himself when you meet him. Due to his mysterious illness (probably asthma but hur no bad things happin in pokaymin) he is babied by his family. They don't trust him with being able to take care of himself, but he always had this resolve to prove them wrong and grow stronger. He is always doubted and always doubted himself. At first, whenever you fight him he's underleveled and only has his ralts. That one fight where he wanted to prove his strength to his uncle in front of the mauvile gym always stood out to me cause he lost despite his conviction. Only in the final battle does he have a full team that's pretty balanced and not that far behind yours, but he still fucking loses. In his place i'd still fell weak and not good enough. Maybe he's also a triumphing character, as he doesn't need to be the best, just strong enough to finally be able to stand on his own two feet. His illness symbolizes him holding himself back, but with the help of you as his rival giving him a goal to strive towards and his pokemon to have his back, he changes for the better both as a person healed of his illness and insecurities and as a trainer.