>>30715197>LysandreTeam Flare leader
Pretends to be a philanthropist, but in reality his actual motivations and plans are basically Pokemon Hitler, used to be good until he became Pokemon Hitler for some reason (I think it was disgust at people who took rather than gave plus a desire to not have them ruin the world, but it's been years since I played XY), blatantly obviously evil but no one realizes it (until he gets sick of no one realizing that fact and announces on the holocaster that he is evil), does at least realize how horrible killing all Pokemon would be but justifies it to himself as a requirement for his dream world, dies at the end of the game or becomes immortal and buried under rocks (depending on version)
>LanaWater Trial Captain
Playful, trickster ("Kyogre's at the bottom of the lake, and while I was telling you this I led you to the trial site and you can't back out anymore!"), has two sisters who look up to her as a role model and that she cares for, likes fishing, deadpan at times ("Maybe the splashing is caused by a cute strapping swimmer we can save!"), overall a nice person (gives you Lapras to traverse the waters before the trial, and a fishing rod after the trial).
Lysandre is a main character on account of being the evil team leader.
Lana is a secondary character at best.
I was actually about to say Lysandre as my answer, but I realized most of what I said about him was just plot spoilers rather than anything actually about him, while most of what I said about Lana was talking about her character and listing examples of why I was saying it.