>>15429007It always depends on what you're going for with a Pokemon. A bulky poke could have 100+ Speed but if you don't need that speed it might be better to invest those EVs into another stat.
In your case, Hitmonchan's 70 Speed, the fact you'll have Mach and/or Bullet Punch and the fact you're using Assault Vest seems like it'd be a waste to put EVs in speed - the difference they'll make is minimal and they could be better spent elsewhere.
I'd recommend putting them into HP to maximise his overall bulk, since his HP is low (meaning the effects of putting EVs into HP increases his overall bulk more than it would on other Pokemon). Or maybe Sp. Def to maximize the Assault Vest boost if that's what you're aiming for.
I'd definitely say investing in Speed is pointless though. If the 70 base wasn't mediocre enough, the priority moves make Speed further redundant. I'd go with HP.