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Finally got my run done. Will was somewhat challenging but once I got a run with enough refreshes and evasion onto Drifblim it worked out. Wally slapped Karen in just a couple tries. I had decided to use May vs Koga in advance since my Cynthia is no good and I had Barry for Lance. May vs Koga took some time though I blame trying to get away with Torchic. Bruno was tough until I decided to use Steven and then it was over. Get to Lance, saw he was weak to trap damage, "this is going to be so easy," lock in Barry, Viola and Lyra. 1 Flare Blitz later and Viola gets absolutely demolished. I didn't expect the physical Charizard. Thankfully I still had Jasmine but this ruins the comp I had in mind so no offensive buffs for Barry besides No Hesitation. Charizard is too fat even without extra HP and Empoleon just cannot punch through him. Hours go by as I try different comps, different sync grids but killing Charizard alone is too tough. Building my 1/5 Wallace got me closer but still not enough damage from Barry. Last resort is to switch Barry's lucky skill to Critical Strike 2 from Power Flux 3, thankfully I get it without too many relearns and before you could say, "great game design" I beat it first try. This game sucks. Thanks for reading my blog.