>>46760892Thats a pretty unique and fun looking sinnoh team. The only weakness I see is the three ground types. Also I see how having 2 pokemon weak to water with none that resist it and 4 pokemon weak to ice would make cynthias milotic a nightmare. Were you ever able to push through? Also how was drifblim? I never used it in sinnoh but I really like its design.
>>46761637I like this team a lot anon. Much cooler than the usual gren/zard/lucario/fossil teams. I used aegislash last time I played x and it was definitely overpowered especially in such a relatively easy game. It made dianthas team into a joke. It definitely deserved its ban to ubers back then.
>>46761828Nice. Props for using a rare mon like magmar. Jynx is ridiculously good in kanto almost OP. I used it last time I played frlg and it wrecked everything, especially with the spatk boosting nature and boosted xp. Also nice seeing Tauros. Mustve been a pain to find/catch. Did you end up with a decent nature on it?
>>46763172This is cool. I'll have to look into the cute charm glitch. Are you planning on using any other shinies on your team? I like the ones youve chosen so far, especially koffing.
I beat the elite four with these in ultra moon.
>legendary lunala is one of my favorite gen 7 designs. I didnt actually use it much. If it got hit with anything dark or ghost it completely disintegrated. It was also slower than I expected and didnt hit as hard as i thought, didnt feel OP. Got it in a moonball too. Naganadel was weaker than expected. Its so frail it would end up maybe getting one KO then dying. I would try to set up a nasty plot but get btfo before I could attack. Dewpider and muk were great. Water bubble choice specs scald was amazing, and muks great typing and bulk were a godsend. Mimikyu was great, especially with the broken ability that gives it a free substitute. Saved my ass a lot including against ultra necro. was the totem sized one. Marowak hit hard but was just slow and frail.