>inna hospital>everyone knows these are my final days>Call in nurse>tell em I need my remaining pokebro, and a record player.>Tell it to bring a vinyl record, it knows which one>they drop off the player>There she is, my ghost sis gengar>she has the dust covered vinyl cover>ask her to play it, she already knows what track I want it on>http://youtu.be/egY8rUpxqcE starts to play>tell her, "welp, looks like this is it. Been nice knowing ya.">can see the tears starting to form>she hugs me>I say, "Thanks for staying around for me, and for helping me getting through it all.">"Think they are waiting for me, Nikki, Oxford, Shara, Reggie, and Magnuson?">she nods her head yes>"well, I got one more favor to ask of you. Think you can help me meet em?">she nods her head yes again, you can really see the tears flowing now.>Ask her to sit on my lap, say I'm getting sleepy, and need the company>she flies up on the bed>she leans into my chest>I fall asleep, with Sinatra still playing>one last tear falls from her eyes, and she hears my breathing slow to a stop>suddenly wake up>realize I'm floating above myself>Gengar takes my hand>she carries me up into the sky>see all my bro's and sis's waiting for me by a tree in a field>they welcome me homeThe things Insomnia makes you think up