Quoted By:
>He's never won against me
>He's a great trainer, and he's won many battles
>But I always seem to come out on top
>There were some close battles where it almost felt like he might win, but he never does
>And I see his smile fade for a moment
>It hurts to see him doubt himself
>But he always picks himself up immediately
>And then je promises he'll train
>He says he will win next time
>I tell him to keep dreaming, in a friendly competitive way of course
>Usually after we battle we hang out
>There's this cafe at Lumiose that we both love
>Sometimes the waitress flirts with him and I tease him about it
>But lately I've been getting a little jealous when it happens
>We start hanging out more, as rivals and best friends
>We talk about Pokemon, food, fashion, movies, traveling, anything really
>He shows me cool places I've never seen before
>I show him some of my favorite spots as well
>He always blushes when I drink from the same cup or can or bottle as him
>He says its kind of like an indirect kiss
>I tease him more of course, and he gets even redder!
>Usually it ends with him getting so flustered that he just challenges me to a battle again
>I win, of course
>He seems sad that he could never win against me
>But again, he picks himself back up
>I don't really want to tell him, but he did win something
>Not a battle, no
>He won my heart
>My cheeks go red just thinking about it