>>346098613 & 4. Great world building strategy. I can only make suggestions but I'd personally enjoy seeing the rings sprouting up from the sea floor and the openings being Braille sentences Steel/Ice/Rock slabs/gates. Think stone hedge but closer and layered in slabs of their type. Rock/crystalline/corroded steel spikes. Reversing the order of their Iron/Ice/Stone age embodiment is interesting. Iron gates and wreckage, then ice flow/glacial sea, then a key/coral/volcanic ring mimic for this rock formation and/or spires with a lush back-to-eden themed mangrove ringed island with above water roots noticeably reaching outward implying energy transfer to outer rings. You could imply that Registeel is the outer ring because it magnetically pulls Regigigas's ferrous root caps with a natural passive ease to the magnetic spires, snaking root designs engulfing the inorganic silhouette of the slab. The Eden like island is an excellent time to shoe-horn a "lost world" Jurassic Park island
TL;DR Iron Age, Ice Age, Stone Age, Eden/Gaia/LUCA/ or Point of Speciation.
>inb4 tripfag>>34596634 hereBtw if you would like I am always looking to help projects along, I have a few started as well. So exclusive or inclusive collaboration are both equally welcome. I'm a novice artist, and an ideaman. I love pitching conceptual adjustments/ironing out core ideas