Quoted By:
Happened just now.
>Randomized leafgreen nuzlocke.
>Fuck yeah
>Blast Burn/Hyper Beam
>Fuck yeah
>first battle
>Green has a Squirtle
>It tanks my Hyper Beam
>Water Spout
>Second attempt
>Make it to Viridian Forest
>Crit Poison Fang
>Fuck fuck's sake
>Third attempt
>Good feeling about this
>Grind, ON ROUTE FUCKING ONE just to be on the safe side
>Meet a bellsprout
>It uses Pedal Dance, but I outspeed it
>I can kill this before it kills me
>It outspeeds me, realize it was a speed tie
>kill my level 8 totodile
>Fourth attempt
>1v1 Green's Igglybuff first battle
>Using Gust
>Igglybuff uses Stomp