note: sun is simply my least favorite out of all i've played. i gave up on mainline after that and turned to romhacks
>>51364704good taste in mons, similar to my own
>>51364757based jesusmaxxer
>>51366550pokemon notwithstanding, you seem like a fun dude
>>51366552>smtyou're alright
>>51366601you can't just list entire game franchises as one singular game, that's cheating
>>51366620a fellow walkchad
>>51367426if i'd known we could choose mons from other series then my entire lineup would be from megaten
>>51367942i have no idea what "doomscrolling" is but i feel like it's something i do all the time
>>51371148for someone born in 2000 you dress like the most 70s motherfucker imaginable and i respect it
>>51371519hi, i'm gonna forecast with you that you're gonna get a lot of hate for being a genwunner and i'm sorry. i'll protect you from those darn dirty trolls. mfw thingken of you hurtimg
>>51372452/str/ and /int/ best combo
>>51372633hoenn has the best OST in pokemon and i'll die on this hill. good taste
i feel like you and i would be friends irl, for some reason i know a lot of people who are into warhammer and kotor and stuff despite knowing nothing about them myself
>>51373052high effort. you seem like a cool guy
>>51373345low effort. you seem ok too though i guess
>>51373359based fujo
>>51373368good taste in pokemon games. not much else to say on this one, i hope you're spending your young years having fun and making connections. you're only 18 once
>>51374336i wish i looked like you
>>51374835i thought they didn't let you on lolcow if you were a dude.
everyone i missed had an image that for some reason failed to load due to this weird fucking wi-fi network i'm on right now