>>53907336I've whined quite a bit about the Aipom stuff, so I'll be more positive this time and just say how much I loved this episode. May vs. Drew is probably my favorite sequence in all of AG. I wish they had kept in Watashi, Makenai (I've been thoroughly inducted into the Haruka Theme cult), but watching it dubbed was fantastic, no complaints.
When I commented on the Manaphy movie, another anon said that May's "I'm not okay, but I will be" was one of the hardest lines in Pokemon. I'd agree, but add on that May's "hello" when she meets Ash, Brock and Max after losing to Solidad edges it out for me. It felt so fucking real; what do you say when you've done something amazing, but ended up disappointed after so much work, especially to people who've surrounded you the whole way, and know that you're fucked up about it? It's such a simple line, probably dreadfully mundane to anyone else, but I cannot overstate how much I loved it.
If I had my druthers (and I don't, and that's okay), the Grand Festival would've ended Battle Frontier over the Battle Pyramid. Even after bringing back Ash's top Kantomons, it just felt so unimportant in comparison.