>>39368402Like the dex entry and the design isn't that bad given it was Frankensteined together.
Biggest criticism is that there obviously wasn't any personal design added to it as a result, and it's funny but it'd only really be able to pass as a Clovermon and not as a "real" Pokemon or "trying to be real" fakemon.
>>39368637Like the concept.
Dislike the humanoid shape and general lack of attempts to make it look anything other than a rock-human.
>>39368672Can't critique the art quality itself, but it does make it more difficult to criticize it given I can barely tell what I'm looking at.
Dislike the human proportions, particularly on the upper body, and the lack of detail in the spikes. They should stand out on an individual level, not just be tossed onto the design as a bunch.
I like the face. That's what stands out.
>>39369271I like how cute the first stage looks despite still looking kinda morbid.
I dislike how on-the-nose the last stage is. It's a little too obvious and could use a bit more subtlety.
>>39369276It's perfect. I can't come up with any criticisms whatsoever.
>>39369298Love the design as a whole, the typing, and pretty much everything about it.
Only thing I can really criticize it for is the ring looking like he stole it from a Klinklang, but that's barely an issue.