>>38207850Lurantis was not much of a threat but just because I was well aware this time. A lot of switch ins, had to take out the allies first to take the totem down. I was lucky enough to catch a female salandit on the route before and even tho with its awful defense stats it could wall Lurantis. I had to use 3 Baby-Doll eyes with hairdo tho.
The Kahuna battle was a little more difficult because of Lillep. I decided to box Noinoi for now. It only evolves way later. Perdition took its place. I used him as a Cubone against Olivia and he evolved after the battle.
I'm liking how the team is taking shape.
>>38208445good luck. that trial is a bitch, especially with Salazzle poisoning everything.
>>38208973Left to Right:
Yellow Randomized > Crystal Clear > FR Omega > New Emerald > Y > Sacred Gold
I didn't have a way to play XY for a while(Citra couldn't run it at the time) so I played some hacks.