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I can agree to an extent on most of your points. I also hate it when GF acknowledges thIs gen 1 worshipping and just panders to it. Especially in Gen 7. There's as many Kanto references as there are cut scenes.
Gen 1 just barely had any story to it, the only character that received some growth was Giovanni, but that wasn't until the remakes. Nearly every character introduced is entirely one dimensional with zero to no personality. Only probably Surge and that's it. The map is also outdated and boring by today's standards. Mon selection is scarce. The only place to actually obtain most of the dex is in the Safari Zone.
I'll defend the monster designs to an extent, but compared to designs of today Gen 1 is seriously lacking. Of people are willing to take their nostalgia goggles off and actually look at how little thought was put into them, they would be pretty upset. Sure they look nice, but creatively their lacking in almost every aspect compared to other Gens. Most Mons use the same eyes, body shapes, horns etc. Hell some designs are literally just my moms animal with a horn. Some designs are literally just my moms animal which is horrid monster design 101. Gen 1 is also the biggest offender of the "it just gets bigger" rule which really grinds my gears. Pic related.
The only good part of Gen 1, is the lore it creates. Other than that I do not understand the hype. And this is coming from someone whose first exposure to the series was Gen 1. But in the end I can still respect Gen 1 for being the first Gen, but that's about it.